Thursday, December 22, 2016

O Level Chemistry Tutor Expectations from Students

Having a tutor may seem to be intimidating for a student. Having all that attention on you can sometimes make things feel uncomfortable and lead to anxiety that may hinder you from properly solving the problems. Being a student makes all of this very normal since your aim is to understand things being taught to you, but keep in mind that all of this is just in your head. The tutor is there to help with chemistry in all ways possible and has the same goals that you have.

As parents, you should remember all these feelings you got when you were still students. Understanding them could help you take action on measures that could aid in your child’s learning. Keeping this in mind, you would know that your child may have certain expectations as he learns that he is about to learn chemistry with a tutor. Talking to him about these expectations could help raise or lower them according to realistic ideas. Here are some of the expectations your child may have considering tutoring.

help with chemistryBeing Conscious of Mistakes

Before tutoring begins, talk to your child about how he is feeling to help him get into a more comfortable mood. If he says that he is nervous, this most probably means that he wants to avoid being shamed for his mistakes during the tutoring. Remind your child that it is normal to make mistakes and the main reason for you trying to hire a tutor for him is to hopefully correct those mistakes. In this perspective, it is actually better for your child to tell the tutor of his areas of difficulty so that the tutor can quickly teach these things to him. This would not only save time but would initiate a good relationship between your child and his tutor.

This is better than for the tutor to wait for your child to make a mistake before correcting it. In this manner, mistakes are avoided rather than treated. Also, tell your child that having a tutor is not the same as being in the classroom. If the concern is that your child is often shy to ask questions, it would not be the same when having a tutor because questions can be voiced out freely because the only person there is the tutor and himself.

Saying Things are Clear Even When They are Not

Evaluating if your child has really understood the topic is a great way to see how much he really learned during the session. This is because asking the child if he understood the topic is not really very reliable since sometimes, they say yes just to avoid the shame of not understanding the topic very well. Because of this, giving the child quizzes or exercises with different difficulties after the lesson is a better way to have a more accurate evaluation. Obviously, if more items are answered incorrectly, the teaching method the tutor is using must be modified to suit your child’s needs.

Also, talk to the chemistry tutor and tell him to remind your child that it is okay to make mistakes. And that in case of being asked if the lesson was clear, that your child should be encouraged to answer honestly. This is to establish a relationship of trust between your child and the tutor. In this way, in future sessions, your child could feel free to commit mistakes and just answer the problems given to him according to what he has comprehended.

Fearing To Give Suggestions

Initially, your child may be scared to voice out any suggestions to help him understand better. Talk to him about this and tell him that if he has any ideas to make lessons easier for him to understand that he should tell his tutor about it. Making suggestions available to the tutor can also aid him in having an idea on the learning style of the student and possibly making his teaching methods coincide with your child more.

Tutors are often very kind and friendly, this is one of the main reasons why they have applied for the job. This makes them appreciate suggestions very much instead of being offended by them. So encourage your child to be open to get more effective help with chemistry.

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